Evans RealFeel RF12D 12″ 2 Sided Speed and Workout Drum Practice Pad

97 out of 100. Incorporating 4850+ ratings and reviews.
Evans RF-12D

Gearank High Notes

Evans RealFeel RF12D: Highest Rated Drum Practice Pad - 2022.09

Gearank Recommended

The RF12D appeared on the very first edition of our recommended list for Drum Practice Pads in November 2017 where it has remained ever since.

During that time we’ve published 5 separate editions and the Evans RealFeel RF12D has never been beaten by a higher rated option.

Rating Source Highlight

Website Source *Rating Value
YouTube Everyday Drummer 96/100
*Displayed values are prior to the Gearank Algorithm’s adjustments it makes when evaluating the source.


While many think the The Evans RF-12D RealFeel 12″ Speed and Workout Drum Pad is a recently designed product, the original design for the RealFeel drum pad has been around since the late 80s and early 90s and was distributed by a company called HQ Percussion. HQ was acquired by D’addario in 2004 and their products were eventually assimilated into the Evans brand. The RealFeel series has been constantly improved upon over the course of decades with changes like covering the rubber pads with fabric to prevent scuff marks, to formulating new rubber densities for better feel and response.

The Evans RF-12D is a perennial favorite in the drum community for years. Two different surfaces allow you to target different areas of your playing. One side has less bounce and gives your hands a better workout. This alone can do wonders for your stamina as a drummer. The other side has more bounce and allows you to work on your accuracy and speed.


  • Size: 12″
  • Material: Gum Rubber and Neoprene
  • Extras: Double Sided

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