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From time to time we publish articles on a range of topics that we hope fellow musicians will find useful. If you're specifically looking for music gear buying guides go to our Gear Guides section.

When to Use a Shotgun Mic and What Makes It Unique?

When to Use a Shotgun Mic and What Makes It Unique?

When do you use a shotgun mic and what situations is it best used? Read along. We take a deep dive into shotgun microphones, exploring their features their applications.

Understanding Line Level in Audio

Understanding Line Level in Audio

Line level is an audio signal, but how does it work, and why is it so important? This guide explains what you need to know about this signal.

How to Record Music Step by Step

How to Record Music Step by Step

Learn to record music right. We'll guide you through essential steps for high-quality recordings. From choosing the right microphone to setting levels and acoustics, we'll cover all the details.

Audio Limiter Explained

Audio Limiter Explained

In the mastering process, there are lots of devices for you to use. Here is everything you need to know about the audio limiter and how it works.

Reamp to Unlock the Full Potential of Your Recordings

Reamp to Unlock the Full Potential of Your Recordings

Reamp is a must-learn technique that can help you take our music and recordings to the next level. We have put together all you need to know to execute this process.

Understanding Audio Clipping

Understanding Audio Clipping

Is audio clipping ruining the quality of your music and tracks? Find out everything you need to know about audio clipping here - including how to avoid it.

Making the Most Out of Audio Distortion Techniques

Making the Most Out of Audio Distortion Techniques

Audio distortion is a fundamental aspect of music production, particularly during mixing. But what exactly is it, and how does it impact your tracks? Discover all the technical details you need to know below.
